FreeBSD6.0-STABLE got wicked up since today's cvsupdate (Xorg/X11, USB)

Doug Barton dougb at
Wed Dec 21 13:40:47 PST 2005

O. Hartmann wrote:
> Hello.
> I did today (21st December) the last cvsupdate (did yesterday cvsupdate
> before) with a lot of new entries in /etc/rc.d.
> Since then I ran into massif problems with X11. I use the lastes Xorg
> stuff from the ports, only for your information.

I'm sorry that you're having these problems. It's not very likely that the 
rc changes caused this problem, but it's worth exploring. I need you to do 
two things. First, copy /etc/rc to a convenient directory, and then apply 
the attached patch. DON'T patch /etc/rc, or your system won't boot. :) Then 
run '/bin/sh rc'. This should generate 3 files, rc.early[12] and rc.late. If 
the rc.early files are different (they should not be) then please send them 
both. Otherwise, please send one of the rc.early files and the rc.late file. 
Second, please enable console logging in /etc/syslog.conf, if you have not 
already. You should have a line in there that looks like this, without the 
comment at the front:                             /var/log/console.log

Then do 'touch /var/log/console.log', reboot, and send that log together 
with the files created by the patched rc above.




     This .signature sanitized for your protection

-------------- next part --------------
--- r6/src/etc/rc	Tue Dec 20 23:11:33 2005
+++ rc	Wed Dec 21 11:18:34 2005
@@ -81,7 +43,8 @@
 files=`rcorder ${skip} /etc/rc.d/* 2>/dev/null`
 for _rc_elem in ${files}; do
-	run_rc_script ${_rc_elem} ${_boot}
+	#run_rc_script ${_rc_elem} ${_boot}
+	echo $_rc_elem >> rc.early1
 	case "$_rc_elem" in
 	*/${early_late_divider})	break ;;
@@ -102,14 +65,18 @@
 for _rc_elem in ${files}; do
 	case "$_skip_early" in
-	1)	case "$_rc_elem" in
+	1)	
+		echo $_rc_elem >> rc.early2
+		case "$_rc_elem" in
 		*/${early_late_divider})	_skip_early=0 ;;
-	run_rc_script ${_rc_elem} ${_boot}
+	echo $_rc_elem >> rc.late
+	#run_rc_script ${_rc_elem} ${_boot}
 echo ''

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