ad10: WARNING - READ_DMA UDMA ICRC error (retrying request) LBA=11441599

Igor Robul igorr at
Thu Aug 11 06:21:08 GMT 2005

Maxim M. Kazachek wrote:

> SoftModems works (well, almost) perfectly under Windows. Some of these 
> works under Linux. SoftModems is the best, because they are cheap and 
> works under Windows. The FreeBSD is puny OS just because they lack 
> support of Software modem.
> The thing is as worth as much you paid for it. If Silicon Image made 
> BUGGY hardware, we should do just two things:
> 1. (the way we walked) Mark it as BROKEN. Perhaps we should document 
> it, BUT... If things don't work, READ the manual, at last...
> 2. (the way linux walked) Try to make some QUIRKS to avoid problems 
> for performance. The QUIRKS count will grow and some time later the 
> NORMAL controller become QUIRK.
> Even if we choose second way, there will be a lot of rocks at Soren's 
> side, that "Goddamn, I've purchased SiI3112 card, WD Raptor, why the 
> my config DAMN slow comparing with, say, config with ICH... DAMN, fix 

Completely agree! Also, SII3112 does NOT work with Windows WELL. You 
just cant "make -j4 buildworld" on Windows  to have EASY way to put 
reasonable load on controller. But I have seen reports from Windows 
users about brokeness of some integrated (and not integrated) SATA 

Most of FreeBSD users just ASSUME that hardware works with Windows, 
because they (users of FreeBSD) dont
read forums of Windows users. Just try "SII3112 Windows trouble", also 
pay attention, that most Windows users just dont know which SATA 
controller is embeded to their motherboard.

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