4->5 libmilter.a install failure

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 00:05:21 GMT 2005

On 8/8/05, Randy Bush <randy at psg.com> wrote:
> > Did you do a 'make buildworld -DNO_SENDMAIL'?  If you did, then you
> > need to do a 'make installworld -DNO_SENDMAIL'.
> NO_SENDMAIL is in /etc/make.conf

Hmm, then it shouldn't have even tried to install libmilter.a.

Is the install system the same system as the build system?  If they
are not, then make sure the install system /etc/make.conf has
NO_SENDMAIL defined.

Check your src/lib/Makefile, it should have:

.if !defined(NO_SENDMAIL)
_libmilter=	libmilter
_libsm=		libsm
_libsmdb=	libsmdb
_libsmutil=	libsmutil

which only builds, and installs the above libraries when NO_SENDMAIL
is not defined.


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