September 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Sep 1 00:03:27 PDT 2004
Ending: Thu Sep 30 05:44:57 PDT 2004
Messages: 257
- Crash of portsdb
Jacobo Arvelo "UNIX4ALL"
- Obscure errors in dmsg, system instability
Eirik Øverby
- Obscure errors in dmsg, system instability
Eirik Øverby
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Günther Dippe
- libpthread in 5.3-BETA3
Mikko Työläjärvi
- Postgres downgrade
Trond Endrestøl
- problem with ipfilter and todays -stable
Andre Albsmeier
- Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A
Gary Allan
- Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A
Gary Allan
- Promise PDC20378
Doug Ambrisko
- IBM xSeries 225 with single processor - can't boot 5.x?
Company Mail Archive
- Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A
Haim Ashkenazi
- Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A
Haim Ashkenazi
- Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A
Haim Ashkenazi
- 5.3-BETAx Boot Problems
Gavin Atkinson
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Rob B
- Click on URL link fails to open Konqueror
Doug Barton
- Problem with fclose() returning error (EBADF)
Robert Blayzor
- linux_dri4.3 with Xfree864.4
Daniel Bond
- problem with ipfilter and todays -stable
Daniel Bond
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
Danny Braniss
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
Danny Braniss
- make release failed
Michael Butler
- FreeBSD 5.3 Beta and Linksys PCMLM56
Benjamin Cance
- Problems with fetch but not ftp in a jail?
Danny Carroll
- 4-STABLE and 3Ware 9000 series controllers
Albert Chin
- 4-STABLE and 3Ware 9000 series controllers
Albert Chin
- Archive Mail
Michael Clark
- TCP Sequence-Prediction (4.5-PRE)
Joe Clarke
- Firefox fails to build
Joe Marcus Clarke
- Firefox 0.9.3 fails to build
Joe Marcus Clarke
- 5.3, libstc++, gcc34
David E. Cross
- IBM xSeries 225 with single processor - can't boot 5.x?
Xander Damen
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Erwan David
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Brad Davis
- Can't boot from Single User Mode
Brooks Davis
- maximum size of ufs file system
Brooks Davis
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Brooks Davis
- make release failed
Oleg S. Denisov
- make release failed
Oleg S. Denisov
- make release failed
Alexander Didok
- vnode leak in FFS code ... ?
Matthew Dillon
- maximum size of ufs file system
Anatoliy Dmytriyev
- vnode leak in FFS code ... ?
Uwe Doering
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Matt Douhan
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Garance A Drosihn
- 4-stable termios diff behaviour lc/lc_r
Daniel Eischen
- vnode leak in FFS code ... ?
Julian Elischer
- 2 Processors under FreeBSD 5.3
Julian Elischer
- 5.3-BETA3: "man pcm" has wrong information
Ruslan Ermilov
- pxelinux / isolinux
Nora Etukudo
- No subject
Marcus Vinicius Ferreira
- vnodes - is there a leak? where are they going?
Allan Fields
- vnodes - is there a leak? where are they going?
Allan Fields
- 5.3-BETA2 and BETA3 boot problem
Brandon Fosdick
- cannot boot system built today
Brandon Fosdick
- vnodes - is there a leak? where are they going?
Marc G. Fournier
- vnode leak in FFS code ... ?
Marc G. Fournier
- vnode leak in FFS code ... ?
Marc G. Fournier
- ATA/SATA lockups
Eric Gatenby
- maximum size of ufs file system
Lowell Gilbert
- General questions about 4-STABLE and 5-CURRENT
Brett Glass
- Crash of portsdb
Yann Golanski
- Bug in setrlimit() on FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE-p2
Marcus Grando
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Marcus Grando
- Archive Mail
AL Grant
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Jan Grant
- headless install frozen.
Eugene Grosbein
- Firefox fails to build
Matt Herzog
- Firefox 0.9.3 fails to build
Matt Herzog
- ACPI Problems on HP Netserver LH3000
Scot Hetzel
- libpthread in 5.3-BETA3
Scot Hetzel
- nss_ldap - working or not, and how to?
Scot Hetzel
- nss_ldap - working or not, and how to?
Scot Hetzel
- Postgres downgrade
Scot Hetzel
- 4.7->5.0, ran out of space on /
Scot Hetzel
- How to mount extra partitions from a fixit disk
Steve Hodgson
- [WORKAROUND]: 'setxkbmap de' does not work as expected
Kipp Holger
- Fdisk/Disklabel ARG
Tony Holmes
- maximum size of ufs file system
Sebastian Holmqvist
- How to mount extra partitions from a fixit disk
Sebastian Holmqvist
- [long] ATA timeout problems on -STABLE
Stijn Hoop
- [long] ATA timeout problems on -STABLE
Stijn Hoop
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Martin Hudec
- FreeBSD 3ware & Maxtor problems
Philip Jenvey
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- library clash: system vs. ports. What to do?
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- FreeBSD 5.x under VMware ESX server.
Arnvid Karstad
- FreeBSD 5.x under VMware ESX server.
Arnvid Karstad
- FreeBSD 5.x under VMware ESX server.
Arnvid Karstad
- 4-STABLE and 3Ware 9000 series controllers
Vinod Kashyap
- filesystem disappeared following 4.2 -> 4.7 upgrade
Brent Kearney
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Tim Kellers
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Tim Kellers
- Spinlock problem in 5.3-Beta
Kris Kennaway
- Something wrong with umass on RELENG_4 ?
Kris Kennaway
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
John Kennedy
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
John Kennedy
- How can I mount 2nd Hard disk (IDE)
- Spinlock problem in 5.3-Beta
Phil Kernick
- FreeBSD 5.x under VMware ESX server.
Vivek Khera
- FreeBSD 5.x under VMware ESX server.
Vivek Khera
- IBM xSeries 225 with single processor - can't boot 5.x?
Vivek Khera
- ACPI Problems on HP Netserver LH3000
Holger Kipp
- ACPI Problems on HP Netserver LH3000
Holger Kipp
- [SOLVED] ACPI Problems on HP Netserver LH3000
Holger Kipp
- Building port textproc/intltool loops indefinitely on FreeBSD
Holger Kipp
- Building port textproc/intltool loops indefinitely on FreeBSD
Holger Kipp
- Interesting SCSI-Problem with Quantum Atlas10K3
Holger Kipp
- IBM xSeries 225 with single processor - can't boot 5.x?
Jochen Knuth
- How to mount extra partition from a fixit disk
Zoran Kolic
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Carroll Kong
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Carroll Kong
- 3Ware 8506 Series, 3DM, Upgrading to 9000 Series
Carroll Kong
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Carroll Kong
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Carroll Kong
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Carroll Kong
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Carroll Kong
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Carroll Kong
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Carroll Kong
- FreeBSD 3ware & Maxtor problems
Carroll Kong
- Crash of portsdb
Radek Kozlowski
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Dariusz Kulinski
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Dariusz Kulinski
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Dariusz Kulinski
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Dariusz Kulinski
- Archive Mail
Tuomo Latto
- nss_ldap - working or not, and how to?
Uwe Laverenz
- maximum size of ufs file system
Etienne Ledoux
- maximum size of ufs file system
Etienne Ledoux
- Bad ATA Drivers ?
Warren Liddell
- Bad ATA Drivers ?
Warren Liddell
- Click on URL link fails to open Konqueror
Warren Liddell
- Call for FreeBSD status reports
Scott Long
- 4-STABLE and 3Ware 9000 series controllers
Benjamin Lutz
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Bruce A. Mah
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Bruce A. Mah
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Bruce A. Mah
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Bruce A. Mah
- problem with ipfilter and todays -stable
Pawel Malachowski
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Eduard Martinescu
- FreeBSD 5.x under VMware ESX server.
Makoto Matsushita
- FreeBSD 5.x under VMware ESX server.
Makoto Matsushita
- IPX dropouts on -stable
Antony Mawer
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Maxim Maximov
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Maxim Maximov
- How to mount extra partitions from a fixit disk
Jonathon McKitrick
- 2 Processors under FreeBSD 5.3
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Gregor Mosheh
- kern.ipc.maxpipekva exceeded, error
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Michael Nottebrock
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Daniel O'Connor
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Daniel O'Connor
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Daniel O'Connor
- maximum size of ufs file system
Daniel O'Connor
- Audio board [HELP]
Daniel O'Connor
- 5.3-BETA3: "man pcm" has wrong information
Kevin Oberman
- Something wrong with umass on RELENG_4 ?
Riv Octovahriz
- Obscure errors in dmsg, system instability
Eirik Oeverby
- Obscure errors in dmsg, system instability
Eirik Oeverby
- Promise PDC20378
Peter Olsson
- problem with XFree86/Xorg
Mikhail P.
- maximum size of ufs file system
Desmond Phoon
- IBM xSeries 225 with single processor - can't boot 5.x?
Niels Piersma
- IBM xSeries 225 with single processor - can't boot 5.x?
Niels Piersma
- 4-STABLE and 3Ware 9000 series controllers
Darren Pilgrim
- Spinlock problem in 5.3-Beta
Jason Porter
- 4.7->5.0, ran out of space on /
Vincent Poy
- 5.3-BETAx Boot Problems
Pratt, Benjamin E.
- 5.3-BETAx Boot Problems
Pratt, Benjamin E.
- Bug in setrlimit() on FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE-p2
Dmitry Pryanishnikov
- Bad ATA Drivers ?
Nicolas Rachinsky
- headless install frozen.
Peter Radcliffe
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
Peter Radcliffe
- supporting ICH6 SATA controller
Peter Radcliffe
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
Peter Radcliffe
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
Peter Radcliffe
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
Peter Radcliffe
- Two usb mice attatching at once
Peter Radcliffe
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
Peter Radcliffe
- Archive Mail
David Raistrick
- FreeBSD Stability
Marcus Reid
- Spontaneous 4.7-S reboots when using a Serial over USB adapter
William E Reid
- headless install frozen.
- 5.3-BETA3: "man pcm" has wrong information
- xosview broken for 5.3-BETA4 ?
- 5.3-BETA4 : video card not in dmesg output !?!
- library clash: system vs. ports. What to do?
- Audio board [HELP]
Stacey Roberts
- Can't boot from Single User Mode
Didier Rwitura
- supporting broadcom gig BCM5751
Paul Saab
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Hiroki Sato
- Trying to get Quatech quad SIO to work
Paul Schenkeveld
- TCP Sequence-Prediction (4.5-PRE)
Matthias Schuendehuette
- vnodes - is there a leak? where are they going?
David Schultz
- vnodes - is there a leak? where are they going?
David Schultz
- Crash of portsdb
Matthew Seaman
- Crash of portsdb
Matthew Seaman
- Promise PDC20378
Andrey Sharandakov
- Promise PDC20378
Andrey Sharandakov
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Ken Smith
- Shuttle ST61G4 hanging during boot with Hitachi 7K250 sata and Sil
Ruben van Staveren
- unable to set time
Thorsten Steentjes
- unable to set time
Thorsten Steentjes
- Postgres downgrade
Ari Suutari
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Dan Swartzendruber
- Crash of portsdb
Dan Swartzendruber
- unable to set time
Chuck Swiger
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Sahil Tandon
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Sahil Tandon
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Sahil Tandon
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Sahil Tandon
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
Sahil Tandon
- kern.ipc.maxpipekva exceeded, error
Puna Tannehill
- FreeBSD 5.3BETA5 slow network
Rumen Telbizov
- FreeBSD 5.3BETA5 slow network
Rumen Telbizov
- nss_ldap - working or not, and how to?
Olivier Tharan
- 3ware 7506, FreeBSD 4.x, Maxtor Disks & SMART Problems.
Jason Thomson
- 4-STABLE and 3Ware 9000 series controllers
Jason Thomson
- 4-STABLE and 3Ware 9000 series controllers
Jason Thomson
- 4-STABLE and 3Ware 9000 series controllers
Jason Thomson
- libpthread in 5.3-BETA3
ØyvinHalfdan Thuv
- maximum size of ufs file system
Samuel Trommel
- Postgres downgrade
Norman Uittenbogaart
- unable to set time
Norman Uittenbogaart
- unable to set time
Norman Uittenbogaart
- Postgres downgrade
Norman Uittenbogaart|Webminded
- unable to set time
Norman Uittenbogaart|Webminded
- problem with ipfilter and todays -stable
Bernhard Valenti
- problem with ipfilter and todays -stable
Bernhard Valenti
- Fatal Trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
Christopher Vance
- upgrade questions 4.10 -> 5-stable
Thomas T. Veldhouse
- FreeBSD 5.3BETA5 slow network
Thomas T. Veldhouse
- libpthread in 5.3-BETA3
Tomas Verbaitis
- FreeBSD 5.3BETA5 slow network
Robert Watson
- 3Ware 8506 Series, 3DM, Upgrading to 9000 Series
Michael R. Wayne
- Problem with fclose() returning error (EBADF)
Doug White
- Obscure errors in dmsg, system instability
Doug White
- Obscure errors in dmsg, system instability
Doug White
- How can I mount 2nd Hard disk (IDE)
Doug White
- problem with ipfilter and todays -stable
Greg White
- problem with ipfilter and todays -stable
Greg White
- problem with ipfilter and todays -stable
Greg White
- Winkler VCSC Going Crazy, Huge News! muhrhk
Lacresha Winkler
- Patch: Added support for Sitecom USB to serial cable(v2) (Freebsd
Rick van der Zwet
- This item has been released from quarantine.
beheerder at
- 5.3-BETA2 and BETA3 boot problem
ertank at
- Crash of portsdb
- IBM xSeries 225 with single processor - can't boot 5.x?
jcaldwell at
- nss_ldap - working or not, and how to?
jcaldwell at
- nss_ldap - working or not, and how to?
jcaldwell at
- nss_ldap - working or not, and how to?
jcaldwell at
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
- portsdb -Uu results in coredump
mmca at
- How can I mount 2nd Hard disk (IDE)
- headless install frozen.
oscar wicks
Last message date:
Thu Sep 30 05:44:57 PDT 2004
Archived on: Thu Sep 30 05:45:03 PDT 2004
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).