READ_DMA interrupt error after upgrading to 5.3 STABLE

Richard Arends richard at
Tue Nov 9 02:43:05 PST 2004

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 03:54:45PM +0100, Richard Arends wrote:

Again replying to my own message :(

> On my laptop i am running 5.2.1-RELEASE-p11. A few weeks ago i upgraded
> it to 5.3 BETA7. After building world i went to single user mode, to 
> complete the upgrade. After a few seconds running in single user mode,
> i got errors about READ_DMA and my laptop was completly frozen.
> ad0: WARNING - READ_DMA interrupt was seen but timeout fired LBA = 351

This morning i again tried to update to 5.3 STABLE from 5.2.1. After 
the makeworld i booted in single user mode with "hw.ata.ata_dma=0".

Then after running fsck -p for a few minutes, the disk led goed off
and i get the following message and can not do anything anymore.

ad0: WARNING - READ_MUL interrupt was seen but timeout fired LBA = 15144507

Can anybody shed some light on this???



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