upgrading form 4.2 to 5.x

Remko Lodder remko at elvandar.org
Sat Jul 17 05:50:16 PDT 2004

Brent Bailey wrote:

> Hello,
> My company has been asked to help with the upgrade of several Freebsd
> systems that are pretty old. The customer is running a file server samba
> also running apache running FBSD 4.2,  he wants to upgrade using cvsup &
> the make buildworld procedure to upgrade to 5.x. Im very familier with the
> make buildworld procedure however there have been significant changes
> between 4.2 & 5.x  so is this something that can be done without many
> problems ? Aside from reading throught the /usr/src/UPDATING file are
> there things i should look out for being that the 2 versions are so
> differrent.
> personally i would recommend going to the lastest stable release 4.10-p2
> I welcome this lists thoughts & opions on this matter
> thank in advance for any help :-)

Hey Brent,

FreeBSD 5.x has not yet been described as production release ready.
So your customer is best advised to use the 4.x branch, and indeed at 
the moment that is 4.10 (and the patches afterwards ofcourse).

However i am running FreeBSD 5.x as production server in 2 colocated 
boxes without any problems. So it does not mean that it's crashing all 
the time, but there might be bugs that can cause downtime for your 
customer, and he should be willing to risk that problem if you want to 
upgrade to 5.x. If he prefers stablitity, and little downtime you do 
best to upgrade to the latest 4 release with patches.

Since it's a very long while back that i runned 4.x (4.3 ...) i can't 
remember anymore what the huge differences are, perhaps someone else can 
describe that to you.


Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko at elvandar.org
Reporter DSINet                |remko at dsinet.org
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko at mostly-harmless.nl

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