Stable vs Release vs Current
Rob B
robbyrnes at
Wed Feb 18 13:17:36 PST 2004
At 10:35 PM 18/02/2004, David Beukes wrote:
>Have been using FreeBSD for about a year now but haven't
>understood or found a definitive answer to the
>versions/branches. Would appreciate it if someone could
>shed some light; a bit of history follows:
>I installed 1st FreeBSD system from 4.4 (the only cds I
>could get my hands on). By the time I started understanding
>what I was doing, 4.8 was out. So I CVSup'd the source and
>did the whole make buildworld/installworld kernel thing.
>And I was running 4.8... Question here is, was I running
>4.4 release? or 4.4 stable? when did 4.8 become stable (are
>you starting to catch my drift?).
4.4-RELEASE is just 4.4-STABLE at one particular point in time
>Then in December 2003 (about a month after 4.9 was
>announced), I downloaded ISOs for 4.9 and reinstalled from
>scratch. Same questions as before, am I running 4.9 stable?
>release? When did release become stable?
-STABLE becomes -RELEASE when the source tree is tagged with -RELEASE
>Am now running 4.9 and started cvsupping the source. my
>supfile has this line in it: default release=cvs
>tag=RELENG_4_9. Am I wasting my time? Should it rather read
>RELENG_4? If so, why?
That all depends if you want to follow -RELEASE plus security fixes, or if
you want a (slowly) moving target that is -STABLE
>And where do security patches fit into this story?
See above
>Any info would be helpful.
I suggest re-reading the Handbook, the section on Stable vs Current
is most pertinant.
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