5.3 STABLE for production server?

Martin P. Hellwig mhellwig at xs4all.nl
Sun Dec 19 02:28:07 PST 2004

PawelG wrote:

> I would like to know your opinion about 5.3-STABLE for this
> pourpose. I googled some and found that it isn't good idea but all
> those opinions was pretty old (related for ex. to older BETA version
> of 5.X branch)
At this moment I think that when setting up a new box (fresh install) 5 
will just do fine, in my case however I have a couple boxes already 
using 4.10, in that case I will not upgrade to 5 but instead to 4.11, 
actually I use RELENG_4 and rebuild everything (when appropriate, 
depends on SA) on a build/test machine and then install it on the 
production machines. So it depends a bit on your taste, someday I have 
to upgrade my machines too, because SA will no longer be patched in the 
4 tree (not in the near future though).
Till then I have time to decide if I go with 5 or something else like 
DragonFly, it all depends if I feel comfortable with that OS and even 
more important is it a good enough solution for my technical problems/needs.



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