make: no system rules (
Dmitry Morozovsky
marck at
Sat Apr 17 01:28:48 PDT 2004
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, A.G. Russell IV wrote:
ARI> This is very perplexing... did a sup, and build no problem a month
ARI> ago, I never as a rule, to in the share dir for anything... but I
ARI> must of steped on it one way or another... the whole /usr/share/mk
ARI> dir is gone
As a bandaid you can copy /usr/src/share/mk to /usr/share/mk:
mkdir /usr/share/mk
cp -p /usr/src/share/mk/*.mk /usr/share/mk/
However, you'll need also /usr/include to successfully make buildworld.
D.Marck [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- marck at ***
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