4.9 SMP Stability?

Rick Updegrove dislists at updegrove.net
Wed Apr 14 20:43:20 PDT 2004

Kris Kennaway wrote:

> Are you sure that nothing is displayed on the system console before it
> reboots?  Hooking up a serial console can be a good way to catch this.

Finally!  No serial console but it is crashing right now (with the 
updated BIOS installed) and I see it is dumping to the dumpdev and the 
screen is filling up with stuff :)

So.. I will RTFM at the URL below a couple of times and see if I can't 
get you guys something useful ASAP.

>>>When you encounter a panic, the useful
>>>thing to do is to obtain a debugging traceback, as described in the
>>>developers handbook.
>>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/kerneldebug.html
>>>Your bug report will be more useful the more relevant details you can
>>>provide about it.  For example, provide a copy of boot -v, and details
>>>of what you are doing to provoke the problem, what you have tried to
>>>work around it, and any other partial results you might have.

Sorry to post all over the place here without waiting for replies on the 
  others first but as soon as I get the "boot -v" mystery solved and 
figure out what else I should send.  And, as soon as I hear back, or 
figure out myself which RAID controller update to apply, I will run the 
kernel again until it crashes.

Thanks again for all the help.


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