upgrade from 4.8 SMP to 4.9 SMP causes unexplained rebooting!
Chuck Rock
carock at epconline.com
Sun Apr 4 08:44:10 PDT 2004
Sorry, got ahead of myself... I meant 30+ days... We had tried 5.2 with
the Dells, then 5.2.1 was released during our problem time. We tried that
We unfortunately didn't have time to troubleshoot much, we had thousands
of E-mail backing up for days.
The heavy load was processing about 7000 E-mail's an hours for Virus and
spam. We had a Quad Xeon Compaq only able to handle about 2500/hr. The
Dells were doing great, they just kep locking up or rebooting. We upgraded
to a Compaq Dual 2.8GHz Xeons. It got blasted a few times, and barely
mustered a load avg. of 15 when it was hit with 18,000 message/hr
We will hoepfully be clustering all this in the next 9 months so we won't
get caught again... ;-)
On Sun, 4 Apr 2004, Jakob Breivik Grimstveit wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-04-04 at 03:51, Chuck Rock wrote:
> > We finally gave up and bought a refurb Compaq, and has been running 5.2.1
> > in production under heavy loads for 130+ days.
> ... which is in fact rather impressive considering 5.2.1 was released[¹]
> on the 25th of February, about 40 days ago.
> [¹] <url: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/5.2.1R/announce.html >
> --
> Jakob Breivik Grimstveit, http://www.grimstveit.no/jakob, +47 48298152
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