[4.9-RC] What happened to ``options HTT'' ?
Oliver Fromme
olli at lurza.secnetix.de
Tue Nov 4 01:57:22 PST 2003
Brooks Davis <brooks at one-eyed-alien.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 11:42:57PM +0200, Jaco van Tonder wrote:
> > I just cvsup'ed to that latest -STABLE and saw that option HTT is no longer
> > availible in LINT. Does anyone know why this is no longer supported? I
> > searched the stable@ list but cant seem to find anything on this.
> It is no longer necessicary as HTT logical CPUs are now activated by
> default. If you wish to use them, set the sysctl
> machdep.hlt_logical_cpus to 0.
Can that sysctl be changed at runtime, or is it only possible
to do it in the loader? The UPDATING entry isn't completely
clear about that.
By the way, are there any "real world" experiences whether
it's worth it to use the logical CPUs, say, on a PostgreSQL
or Apache server, or with Java stuff (jakarta/tomcat etc.)?
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
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