May 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Thu May 1 00:07:01 PST 2003
Ending: Sat May 31 15:11:54 PST 2003
Messages: 382
- Kernel panic on FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
Jonas Bülow
Kovács Péter
- bad performance on ATA promise controllers
- bad performance on ATA promise controllers
- counter-strike server in freebsd4-8S
- counter-strike server in freebsd4-8S
- portupgrade issue
Jerry A!
- Problem with bind8 and ports
Hannes Adollarson
- Problem with bind8 and ports
Hannes Adollarson
- Problex with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Andre Albsmeier
- make buildworld ignoring NO_MAILWRAPPER=true
Forrest Aldrich
- New system build overwrites perl modules?
Forrest Aldrich
- Package installation (port) problems...
Forrest Aldrich
- need to know if there will be support ie. drivers for tekram
ultra 4 wide scsi
Matthias Andree
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr.
- __stderrp problem again with tk83
Dimitry Andric
- Problex with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Eric Anholt
- Problex with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Eric Anholt
- Problem with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Eric Anholt
- XFree86-4-clients link error for Xfont
Eric Anholt
- Health monitoring
Christopher Arnold
- pkg_add -r broke pkg info ?
Brian Astill
- portupgrade issue
Peter Avalos
- USB Serial devices appearing as ugen instead of ucom
Marcello Azambuja
- portupgrade issue 4.8-STABLE
Rob B
- portupgrade issue 4.8-STABLE
Rob B
- Sendmail --- HELP!
- Perl version in -STABLE
Doug Barton
- Problem with bind8 and ports
Doug Barton
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Chris BeHanna
- Perl version in -STABLE
Anton Berezin
- New system build overwrites perl modules?
Anton Berezin
- New system build overwrites perl modules?
Anton Berezin
- D-Link DGE-550SX support
Steve Bernard
- D-Link DGE-550SX support
Steve Bernard
- UDMA ICRC error
David A Bestor
- 4.8-RELEASE not identifying scsi drives
Jethro R Binks
- SMP Proliants and Smart2 Array controllers. (Was: Proliant on
a6500) - Solution
Jethro R Binks
- MFC of reentrant realpath.c
Martin Blapp
- MFC of reentrant realpath.c
Martin Blapp
- MFC of reentrant realpath.c
Martin Blapp
- Updating sysinstall
Paul te Bokkel
- Perl version in -STABLE
Gregory Bond
- 4GB limit with netstat
Gregory Bond
- system slowdown - vnode related
Gregory Bond
- portupgrade issue
Bruno Van Den Bossche
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Craig Boston
- HEADS UP! Kerberos5/Heimdal now default!
Craig Boston
- HEADS UP! Kerberos5/Heimdal now default!
Craig Boston
- ichsmb SMB, interrupt, SMP
Don Bowman
- ichsmb SMB, interrupt, SMP
Don Bowman
- ichsmb SMB, interrupt, SMP
Don Bowman
- Gnome Problems
Dave Bradshaw
- Gnome2.2 or 4.8 Stable Login logout Problem.
Dave Bradshaw
- iHEADS UP: ipsec packet filtering change
Matthew Braithwaite
- Perl version in -STABLE
Oliver Braun
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Matthias Buelow
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Matthias Buelow
- Kernel panic on FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
Jonas Bulow
- Kernel panic on FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
Jonas Bulow
- Proliant on a 6500
Wilko Bulte
- Perl version in -STABLE
Tim Bunce
- Perl version in -STABLE
Tim Bunce
- ctp tuning for gprs ppp
Randy Bush
- XFree86-4-clients link error for Xfont
Randy Bush
- System totally borked after installworld and mergemaster at
16:20:03 MSK
Igor B. Bykhalo
- Please diregard -- System totally borked after installworld and
mergemaster at 16:20:03 MSK
Igor B. Bykhalo
- Perl version in -STABLE
Andrew J Caines
- issue with ports
Andrew J Caines
- issue with ports
Andrew J Caines
- issue with ports
Andrew J Caines
- Compile of boot blocks fails, please help.
Federico Canton
- Proliant on a 6500
Danny Carroll
- Proliant on a 6500
Danny Carroll
- Proliant on a 6500
Danny Carroll
- SMP Proliants and Smart2 Array controllers. (Was: Proliant on a
Danny Carroll
- SMP Proliants and Smart2 Array controllers. (Was: Proliant on
a6500) - Solution
Danny Carroll
- fontconfig and FT_Get_BDF_Property
Joe Marcus Clarke
- Gnome Problems
Joe Marcus Clarke
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Joe Marcus Clarke
- Gnome2.2 or 4.8 Stable Login logout Problem.
Joe Marcus Clarke
- making galeon2
Olivier Cortes
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
Olivier Cortes
- What the???? Is there a Doctor in the house? Help
- Can't boot from ad4: Device Not Configured?
Brooks Davis
- Can't boot from ad4: Device Not Configured?
Brooks Davis
- USB patch. Scanner Epson.
Cristiano Deana
- where is mutexattr_setpshared()?
Snofe Deng
- problem with 4.8R ftpd and Mozilla/Netscape
Chris Dillon
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
Matthew Dillon
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
Matthew Dillon
- system slowdown - vnode related
Matthew Dillon
- system slowdown - vnode related
Matthew Dillon
- kernel conf not applied to modules?
Dave Dolson
- SV: NFS problem?
Matt Douhan
- Perl version in -STABLE
- Help please : make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8 stable
Ruslan Ermilov
- Help please : make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8 stable
Ruslan Ermilov
- make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8 stable : SUITE
Ruslan Ermilov
- awk/gawk
Ruslan Ermilov
- awk/gawk
Ruslan Ermilov
- make installworld fails : touch not found ?
Ruslan Ermilov
- make buildworld ignoring NO_MAILWRAPPER=true
Ruslan Ermilov
- make buildworld ignoring NO_MAILWRAPPER=true
Ruslan Ermilov
- make buildworld ignoring NO_MAILWRAPPER=true
Ruslan Ermilov
- error with make clean in /usr/src
Ruslan Ermilov
- Why is swap device reported with wrong name?
Geoffrey T. Falk
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Andy Farkas
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Elden Fenison
- MFC of reentrant realpath.c
Adrian Filipi-Martin
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Mat Ford
- Odd 'hang' trying to ls a directory ...
Marc G. Fournier
- system slowdown - vnode related
Marc G. Fournier
- system slowdown - vnode related
Marc G. Fournier
- system slowdown - vnode related
Marc G. Fournier
- system slowdown - vnode related
Marc G. Fournier
- SMP Proliants and Smart2 Array controllers. (Was: Proliant on
a6500) - Solution
Pete French
- Why is swap device reported with wrong name?
Oliver Fromme
- 4GB limit with netstat
Andy Gilligan
- 4GB limit with netstat
Andy Gilligan
- pkg_add -r broke pkg info ?
Gianmarco Giovannelli
- mergemaster tips
Lamont Granquist
- bin/45754: vnconfig(8) fails to return correct exit status
Eugene Grosbein
- lots of sockets in TIME_WAIT
Eugene Grosbein
- system slowdown - vnode related
The Hermit Hacker
- system slowdown - vnode related
The Hermit Hacker
- lynx on 4.8-stable
Bob Hall
- Strange startup messages
Bob Hall
- Strange startup messages
Bob Hall
- lynx on 4.8-stable
Bob Hall
- Never mind: Re: lynx on 4.8-stable
Bob Hall
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
Ed Hall
- system slowdown - vnode related
Mike Harding
- system slowdown - vnode related
Mike Harding
- system slowdown - vnode related
Mike Harding
- system slowdown - vnode related
Mike Harding
- system slowdown - vnode related
Mike Harding
- nfsd/mountd IPv6 ready?
Sven Hazejager
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Jukka Huvinen
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Jukka Huvinen
- system slowdown - vnode related
Masachika ISHIZUKA
- Problex with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Barry Irwin
- error with make clean in /usr/src
Mike Jakubik
- need to know if there will be support ie. drivers for tekram
ultra4 wide scsi
Mike Jakubik
- make release headaches
L. Jankok
- make release headaches
L. Jankok
- Kernel panic on FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
Peter Jeremy
- Kernel panic on FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
Peter Jeremy
- Kernel panic on FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
Peter Jeremy
- 4GB limit with netstat
Peter Jeremy
- FreeBSD & Adaptec 3410S (Opinions?)
- Problex with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Glenn Johnson
- Hyperthreading in non-SMP systems
Steve Joynt
- Hyperthreading in non-SMP systems
Steve Joynt
- Perl version in -STABLE
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
Martin Kaeske
Martin Kaeske
- FW: iHEADS UP: ipsec packet filtering change
David Kelly
- portupgrade issue
Joe Kelsey
- portupgrade issue
Joe Kelsey
- portupgrade issue
Joe Kelsey
- __stderrp sym unresolved in 4.8 stable
Kris Kennaway
- wb0 problem
Kris Kennaway
- wb0 problem
Kris Kennaway
- wb0 problem
Kris Kennaway
- __stderrp problem again with tk83
Kris Kennaway
- Help please : make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8 stable
Kris Kennaway
- pkg_add -r broke pkg info ?
Kris Kennaway
- pkg_add -r broke pkg info ?
Kris Kennaway
- pkg_add -r broke pkg info ?
Kris Kennaway
- readmes
Kris Kennaway
- invalid arguments "read error" from dump(8)
Vivek Khera
- MFC of reentrant realpath.c
Max Khon
- MFC of reentrant realpath.c
Max Khon
- MFC of reentrant realpath.c
Max Khon
- Peculiar Boot Failure
Tim Kientzle
- Can't boot from ad4: Device Not Configured?
Tim Kientzle
- Can't boot from ad4: Device Not Configured?
Tim Kientzle
- Can't boot from ad4: Device Not Configured?
Tim Kientzle
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Christian Koch
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Christian Koch
- vnconfig(8), bin/45754
Maxim Konovalov
- 4.8 crashdump
Maxim Konovalov
- IPFW2 & packet forwarding
Boris Kovalenko
- Strange threads problems
Boris Kovalenko
- Strange threads problems
Boris Kovalenko
- Strange threads problems
Boris Kovalenko
- wb0 problem
Mikhail Kruk
- Need representative
PAS Laboratry
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Xavier de Labouret
- phy nics when will they be supported in 4.8
Eriq Lamar
- nic rtl8201 phy support in freebsd
Eriq Lamar
- need to know if there will be support ie. drivers for tekram ultra
4 wide scsi
Eriq Lamar
- need to know if there will be support ie. drivers for tekram
ultra 4 wide scsi
Eriq Lamar
- problem with 4.8R ftpd and Mozilla/Netscape
Mike Lambert
- portupgrade issue
Scott Lambert
- What the???? Is there a Doctor in the house? Help
Terry Lambert
- FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE Install Hang
Scott Lampert
- __stderrp problem again with tk83
Daniel Lang
- __stderrp problem again with tk83
Daniel Lang
- __stderrp problem again with tk83
Daniel Lang
- __stderrp problem again with tk83
Daniel Lang
- ad0: READ command timeout....
Dan Langille
- ad0: READ command timeout....
Dan Langille
- Specs for the SiS 630e chipset?
Brad Laue
- 4GB limit with netstat
David G. Lawrence
- WLAN support
Sam Leffler
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Don Lewis
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Don Lewis
- NFS problem?
Don Lewis
- NFS problem?
Don Lewis
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
Don Lewis
- make installworld fails : touch not found ?
Morton Lin
- make installworld fails : touch not found ?
Morton Lin
- make installworld fails : touch not found ?
Morton Lin
- 4.8-RELEASE not identifying scsi drives
Per olof Ljungmark
- Bug in g++ 2.95.4 (Pointer to member functions)
M. Warner Losh
- Bug in g++ 2.95.4 (Pointer to member functions)
M. Warner Losh
- ichsmb SMB, interrupt, SMP
M. Warner Losh
- Boot problem HP/Compaq DL360 G3
Chris Luke
- Boot problem HP/Compaq DL360 G3
Chris Luke
- No subject
Joseph Lynch
- UDMA ICRC error
Hernani Marques Madeira
- awk/gawk
Bruce A. Mah
- USB Serial devices appearing as ugen instead of ucom
Carl Makin
- USB Serial devices appearing as ugen instead of ucom
Carl Makin
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
David Malone
- lynx on 4.8-stable
David Malone
- httpd process size
Mike Maltese
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Mark.Andrews at
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Mark.Andrews at
- Strange startup messages
Brian McDonald
- ad0: READ command timeout....
Stephen McKay
- system slowdown - vnode related
Tod McQuillin
- lots of sockets in TIME_WAIT
Saulius Menkevièius
- lots of sockets in TIME_WAIT
Saulius Menkevièius
- Strange threads problems
Ken Menzel
- 4GB limit with netstat
Michal Mertl
- 4GB limit with netstat
Michal Mertl
- SoundBlaster Audigy 2
Aaron Mildenstein
- 4GB limit with netstat
Bosko Milekic
- Help please : make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8 stable
Gerard Milhaud
- Help please : make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8 stable
Gerard Milhaud
- make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8 stable : SUITE
Gerard Milhaud
- FW: iHEADS UP: ipsec packet filtering change
Stacy Millions
- awk/gawk
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Marcel Moolenaar
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Marcel Moolenaar
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Bill Moran
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
Carl Morley
- Can't boot from ad4: Device Not Configured?
Dmitry Morozovsky
- Help please : make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8 stable
Dmitry Morozovsky
- FreeBSD5 make world fails
Simon L. Nielsen
- FreeBSD5 make world fails
Simon L. Nielsen
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Michael Nottebrock
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Michael Nottebrock
- UDMA ICRC error
Roberto Nunnari
- UDMA ICRC error
Roberto Nunnari
- UDMA ICRC error
Roberto Nunnari
- Timecounter "TSC" frequency 451024462
Roberto Nunnari
- Timecounter "TSC" frequency 451024462
Roberto Nunnari
- ad0: READ command timeout....
Thomas Nystrom
- msdosfs vs 250Gb hard disk
Daniel O'Connor
- WLAN support
Kevin Oberman
- WLAN support
Eirik Oeverby
- system slowdown - vnode related
Oldach, Helge
- pam-mysql and freebsd 4.7
Dennis Ortsen
- Perl version in -STABLE
Dmitriy Ozirniy
- iHEADS UP: ipsec packet filtering change
Greg Panula
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Dan Pelleg
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
Wes Peters
- Perl version in -STABLE
Wes Peters
- Perl version in -STABLE
Wes Peters
- UDF filesystem on 4-STABLE?
Wes Peters
- USB patch. Scanner Epson.
Wes Peters
- need to know if there will be support ie. drivers for tekram
ultra 4 wide scsi
Wes Peters
- need to know if there will be support ie. drivers for tekram
ultra 4 wide scsi
Wes Peters
- need to know if there will be support ie. drivers for tekram
ultra 4 wide scsi
Wes Peters
- Problex with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Bjarne Wichmann Petersen
- __stderrp problem again with tk83
John Polstra
- FreeBSD5 make world fails
Mario Pranjic
- FreeBSD5 make world fails
Mario Pranjic
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
Joan Picanyol i Puig
- pam-mysql and freebsd 4.7
Joan Picanyol i Puig
- D-Link DGE-550SX support
Peter Radcliffe
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
David Raistrick
- Problem installing kernel in single usermode
- sharing scsi disk beetween two freesbd's ...
Bill Reid
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
Philip Reynolds
- Perl version in -STABLE
Charlie Root
- Problem installing kernel in single usermode
Remy de Ruysscher
- Syslogd and serial console bug?
- NFS problem?
Hiroki Sato
- NFS problem?
Hiroki Sato
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
Scheidell at
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
Scheidell at
- Can't boot from ad4: Device Not Configured?
Marc Schneiders
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
Marc Schneiders
- msdosfs vs 250Gb hard disk
David Schultz
- msdosfs vs 250Gb hard disk
David Schultz
- Strange threads problems
David Schultz
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
David Schultz
- Proliant on a 6500
Ray Seals
- Disk Quotas
Troy Settle
- Sendmail --- HELP!
Gregory Neil Shapiro
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
Chris Shenton
- Via EPIA Mini-ITX motherboard
Chris Shenton
- lots of sockets in TIME_WAIT
Maksym Shevchenko
- Perl version in -STABLE
Doug Silver
- 'dual' hosting STABLE and CURRENT ?
Gerhard Sittig
- Problem installing kernel in single usermode
Gerhard Sittig
- Hyperthreading in non-SMP systems
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- DES AWOL after 4.8
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- FreeBSD5 make world fails
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- Perl version in -STABLE
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- Perl version in -STABLE
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- Help please : make buildworld fails when upgrading to 4.8
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- 4GB limit with netstat
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- phy nics when will they be supported in 4.8
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- UDMA ICRC error
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- Tracking 4-stable rather than 4.8-stable
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- Timecounter "TSC" frequency 451024462
Dag-Erling Smorgrav
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Melvyn Sopacua
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Melvyn Sopacua
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Melvyn Sopacua
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)
Melvyn Sopacua
- IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using
Melvyn Sopacua
- Problem with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Ruben van Staveren
- Problem with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Ruben van Staveren
- portupgrade issue 4.8-STABLE
Kent Stewart
- 4.8 crashdump
Volker Stolz
- FW: iHEADS UP: ipsec packet filtering change
- problems exporting ext2fs partitions in 5.0-RELEASE-p7
Matthew Swank
- panic under 4.8...?
Chuck Swiger
- 4GB limit with netstat
Chuck Swiger
- ad0: READ command timeout....
Chuck Swiger
- What the???? Is there a Doctor in the house? Help
Mike Tancsa
- sbsize and active ftp sessions (login.conf)
Mike Tancsa
- issue with ports
David Taylor
- ad0: READ command timeout....
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Thierry Thomas
- 5.0-RELEASE --> cannot build any Mozilla Version
Thierry Thomas
- UDF filesystem on 4-STABLE?
Warren Toomey
- make release headaches
Erik Trulsson
- DES AWOL after 4.8
Dave Tweten
- DES AWOL after 4.8
Dave Tweten
- nfsd/mountd IPv6 ready?
- readmes
Tim Vanderhoek
- Blade-servers
Eric Veraart
- DES AWOL after 4.8
Jacques A. Vidrine
- 4GB limit with netstat
Nils Vogels
- WLAN support
- What the???? Is there a Doctor in the house? Help
Ivan Voras
- system slowdown - vnode related
Steve Watt
- lots of sockets in TIME_WAIT
Doug White
- SMP Proliants and Smart2 Array controllers. (Was: Proliant on
Przemyslaw Wieclawek
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
Bob Willcox
- blackmail attempt? Stable mailing list block?
Bob Willcox
- conf/51910: ucom0 should be generated by MAKEDEV all
David Yeske
- fontconfig and FT_Get_BDF_Property
Charles Young
- fontconfig and FT_Get_BDF_Property
Charles Young
- UDMA ICRC error
- UDMA ICRC error
- Problex with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
Vladislav V. Zhuk
- ad0: READ command timeout....
Vladislav V. Zhuk
- Recent 4.8-STABLE & Compaq Proliant System drive issues
butch at
- What the???? Is there a Doctor in the house? Help
vizion communication
- Blade-servers
vizion communication
- SMP Proliants and Smart2 Array controllers. (Was: Proliant on a
danny at
- New system build overwrites perl modules?
randall s. ehren
- your mail
freebsd at
- wb0 problem
- wb0 problem
- No subject
ohno at
- Perl version in -STABLE
- awk/gawk
- issue with ports
- Problex with Matrox G450 and XFree86 4.3.0 on 4.8-STABLE
remy at
- Proliant on a 6500
chris scott
- issue with ports
jason watkins
- issue with ports
jason watkins
- issue with ports
jason watkins
Last message date:
Sat May 31 15:11:54 PST 2003
Archived on: Sat May 31 19:30:33 PST 2003
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).