Large hard disk support in FreeBSD

swhite at swhite at
Tue Jul 29 00:23:16 PDT 2003

On 28 Jul 2003 at 16:34, Chris Howells wrote:

> I seem to recall that the trick with large hard disks and old BIOSes is to
> disable the drive in the BIOS and let the OS detect the disk itself... is
> this the case with FreeBSD as well?

That's what I did with a 40GB and a 30GB IDE in a '486 running FreeBSD 
4.3-RELEASE a while back. The boot drive is a 1GB on a SCSI controller. 
Worked like a charm. Worked so well, in fact, I did the same thing when I 
eventually upgraded the motherboard to a P1-120 in March this year. 

I was quite sad that I could no longer say I had a '486 with 70GB storage 
inside... :)

- Sean.

     "bortaS bIr jablu'DI'reH QaQqu' nay'."

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