mismatching vinum configurations

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jul 20 18:05:45 PDT 2003

On Sunday, 20 July 2003 at 20:27:00 +0200, Joan Picanyol i Puig wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a power failure, and the on-disk configuration for vinum went
> bizarre. The logs read from disks are at http://biaix.org/pk/debug/
> (log.$DEVICE files). 

They're not much help, and a lot of the files are inaccessible.  The
output of 'vinum dumpconfig' would be easier.

> The logs in da0 (barracuda) are the ones obviously wrong, I'm pretty
> sure the others are ok. Is this a 'virtually' dead drive?

It's not a hardware problem, if that's what you mean.

> Can I force vinum to use the other's drive configuration?


> What's the less traumatic way to recover the data?

I've never tried this, but a thing you could do is:

 vinum -> setdaemon 4	     (turn off config updates)
 vinum -> read /dev/ad0s1d   (or another drive with valid config)
 vinum -> start

This could bring back your entire configuration.  If anything goes
wrong, it's not serious, because the config updates are turned off.

Why do you have two drives on each SCSI disk?

> Most of the data is mirrored over da0 & da1, but I can't start any of
> the mirrored volumes (I get 'Drive is down') What should I do to access
> the mirrored volumes?

If 'start' above doesn't work, you can try running a Vinum config file

  drive barracuda device /dev/da0s1f

Let me know how it works out.

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