A patch to man to handle "man.1"...

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Sat Jul 19 17:41:14 PDT 2003

Samuel Tardieu wrote:
[ ... ]
> It works only by chance. If ld-elf.so.1 was in section 2 for example,
> your patch would prevent it from being found as the section is forced
> to 1.

Well, I don't want to discriminate against manpages named foo.1 in section 2, 
certainly.  :-)  On the other hand, I would argue that if the actual file is 
named /usr/share/man/man2/foo.1.2, having "man foo.1.2" work is not such a bad 

I won't disagree if you claim that "man foo.1" should continue to work as 
before, however, even if it does seem ambiguous what should happen if there was 
also a "foo" manpage in section 1.


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