SSH/v1 dead processes bug

Scott Lambert lambert at
Fri Jul 11 11:25:40 PDT 2003

On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 11:31:49AM -0600, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <84344.1057919867 at>
>             Paul Civati <paul at> writes:
> : Should I submit this as a proper bug, or will someone look at it?
> Former.
> : Basically, between 4.7-REL and 4.8-REL ssh was upgraded and now exhibits
> : the following bug.
> : 
> : If you connect with protocol v1 you get three ssh processes, one of
> : which never dies, even after the ssh session has been closed.
> I'm seeing exactly the same thing.

That looks like what I reported with my shell server.  I hadn't tracked it
down to just ssh v1 though.

DES responded and said it was fixed a few days after -RELEASE.  I
thought he intended to commit the patch to RELENG_4_8, but I haven't
seen it happen.  I may have just missed it on one of those busy days
when you just can't read all the commit messages.

> Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 15:26:23 +0200
> Subject: sshd refusing connections problem
> Scott Lambert <lambert at> writes:
> > sshd regularly stops accepting new connections.  There is never anything
> > in the logs.  This time the last connection before sshd stopped taking
> > new connections was the user, lets call him "bob" who always manages to
> > leave a lot of processes with the title of "sshd: bob [priv] (sshd)".
> > Bob currently has 35 of those processes up.
> This is an old bug which was fixed on April 7th (four days after 4.8
> was released).  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have been merged to
> the 4.8 security branch (which is my fault really).
> -- 
> Dag-Erling Smorgrav - des at

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin
lambert at      

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