Forensics CD Toolkit for FreeBSD

Massimiliano Stucchi max at
Sun Aug 3 11:26:52 PDT 2003

On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 09:20:45 -0600
Joe Warner <rootman22 at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to build a toolkit CD specifically for conducting
> forensics on FreeBSD.  I'm not talking about a bootable
> CD but rather one that I could pop into a CD ROM drive
> and run trusted commands like ps, netstat, ls, etc., from.

I'd suggest using FreeSBIE. It's a set of scripts to let you create a
complete FreeBSD to be put on CD and you can include all the programs
you want, right from your pkg_info. Go to org cd to
/usr/ports/sysutils/freesbie/ and make install.

If you want more help about it, just send me a private e-mail. I'm a doc
writer for the project.


Stucchi Massimiliano     | Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia         | 
stucchi at | max at
"People who make no mistakes do not usually make anything"

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