IPv6 Resolver (or: Slow rendering of Webpages using Konqueror)

Don Lewis truckman at FreeBSD.org
Wed Apr 30 20:22:45 PDT 2003

On 30 Apr, Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr. wrote:

> I have issues which somewhat match those symptoms.  On FreeBSD 4.8,
> Mozilla will occasionally get "stuck" for a couple minutes (the first time
> I hit dilbert.com in a day seems to be a fairly reliable culprit).  After
> that, it seems to run fine for an hour or so, at which point it will get
> stuck on some random site again.  Wait a couple minutes, then it will be
> fine again.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

I had this problem as well a while back until I neutered Mozilla so that
it wouldn't do the IPv6 address lookups anymore.  It persisted in doing
this useless to me stuff even if I disabled all the IPv6 support in
rc.conf.  What's the use in looking up IPv6 addresses if you can't
connect to them anyway because you don't have any IPv6 connectivity?

An alternative would be to rebuild the kernel without INET6, but that
seemed like a bad idea since I sometimes commit changes to the kernel
source, and I'd hate to unknowingly introduce a bug into part of the
tree that I don't even compile.  It would also mean that I couldn't do
any IPv6 testing on my local network.

> Creating a local caching nameserver seems to help, but doesn't remove the
> problem.
> Since I haven't been able to reliably localize the symptoms to either
> Mozilla or FreeBSD, I haven't filed a bug report.  My guess is that it's 
> actually an interaction between both.

I complained about this on one of the FreeBSD lists a while back.  We
really need some sort of user controlled knob for this.  As it is,
FreeBSD may look bad to casual users ("snivel, snivel, whine, whine, my
browser keeps freezing, FreeBSD sucks, Windoze works better, whine,
whine").  Unfortunately, nobody came up with any positive suggestions.

> While this information doesn't necessarily help the original poster, it 
> hopefully points out that people not associated with doubleclick may also 
> be having issues.

vanguard.com was basically unusable for me.

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