2 questions...

Marwan FeanoR/var Burelle marwan.burelle at lri.fr
Mon Apr 14 00:45:47 PDT 2003

On Sun, 13 Apr 2003 22:22:12 -0400
"Matthew Emmerton" <matt at gsicomp.on.ca> wrote:

>  It sounds like you want Adobe Acrobat (the full product, not the
>  reader.) With this you can create fillable-form-PDF files, which anyone
>  with Acrobat Reader can fill out and print, making them look nice and
>  pretty :)

You can create fillable-form-PDF files with scribus (print/scribus in the
ports), the final rendering a quite good, but the visualization
rendering is horrible (yes, it's not good for a wysiwyg application...).

Marwan Burelle, aka FeanoR/var
mb at feanor.org
burelle at lri.fr
Marwan.Burelle at ens.fr

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