make search key= quite useless these days

Wes Peters wes at
Wed Apr 2 14:35:16 PST 2003

On Wednesday 02 April 2003 03:57, Gunnar Flygt wrote:
> What are we supposed to use for information on ports nowadays,
> since the port info has been taken away and more and more of
> the `make search key=anything` gives a result like:

The port info hasn't been taken away, it's been moved.  Apparently the 
make infrastructure hasn't been updated to reflect this, at least from 
the standpoint of the search target.

Asking this question on the ports mailing list is much more likely to 
get you some sort of positive results.  I've cc'd them and directed 
replies there.

         "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                              wes at

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