4.8-RELEASE vs SA-03:07

Kris Kennaway kris at obsecurity.org
Tue Apr 1 14:21:18 PST 2003

On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 10:54:44PM +0300, Jarkko Santala wrote:

> IMHO _nothing_ should be called X.Y-RELEASE unless it is truly
> X.Y-RELEASE. This goes for any files on ftp and any cvs repositories. Once
> you tag something as X.Y-RELEASE or once you make any files public with
> that name on it, it becomes that release.

A consequence of having an open source repository is that people have
access during every stage of the release engineering process.  Are you
suggesting that all source access be locked out from the time the tag
is laid down until it's been tested and passes final QA?  Needing to
adjust tags is a normal and expected part of making a FreeBSD
release..without it the releases would be much poorer quality.

> ps. this email was written on a box that has been running 4.8-RELEASE for
> over a day. I'll be a very sad puppy if someone moves the tag now. :'(

But perhaps next time you'd learn to wait until the release is
actually ready :-)

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