PCI range checking under qemu-system-sparc64

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at FreeBSD.org
Sun Sep 6 13:42:46 UTC 2015

On Sun, Sep 06, 2015 at 02:02:01PM +0100, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
> I wonder if the problem is just that suitable console drivers can't
> be found?
> >   ebus0: <su> addr 0x14000003f8-0x14000003ff irq 43 (no driver attached)
> >   ebus0: <kb_ps2> addr 0x1400000060-0x1400000067 (no driver attached)
> The QEMU hardware model is still a WIP and the serial port currently
> uses a 16550A UART (su) device rather than ESCC found in real hardware,
> while the keyboard is a simple PS2 keyboard.
> If you alter your kernel configuration to include building of the su and
> ps2 driver modules, does this help with detection of the serial and
> keyboard devices and if so, does boot progress any further at all?

Hmm, I'm running GENERIC, so it looks like everything should be already
there, no?  At least by looking at ./conf/files.sparc64 I don't see what
else ("device ???") should I add to it to get su/kb_ps2 support...


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