Changes to kern.geom.debugflags?

Chris Ross cross+freebsd at
Sat Jan 5 00:38:16 UTC 2013

On Jan 4, 2013, at 18:46 , Marius Strobl <marius at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 11:27:44PM -0500, Chris Ross wrote:
>>  So, now that we're past the holiday madness, and I haven't heard anything back
>> on this is there some other group or list I should ask the questions of ZFS internals
>> to figure out why the sparc64 MD boot loader code is seeing a dn_datablkszsec
>> of 0, and what it should be set to?
>>  Thanks.  I'm happy to compose another message to include people who might
>> be able to help.  I'm out of my "comfort zone" in ZFS.
> The most straightforward way is to identify the commit that broke
> it via a binary search and email the corresponding commit.

  And while that would take time, I'm happy to do it, but it's hard given all the
merges which include many other revisions from trunk.

  I was just hoping someone that knew what dn_datablkszsec is and/or
should be would be able to help identify the fix before trying to figure out
what broke it in the first place.

                      - Chris

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