netbooting 9.0-beta3 with serial console

Michiel Boland michiel at
Thu Oct 13 17:40:07 UTC 2011

On 10/12/2011 21:24, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
> On 10/12/11 13:58, Michiel Boland wrote:
>> Hi. How do I install 9.0-BETA3 on sparc64 via netbooting and a serial
>> console?


> It looks like rc.diskless has failed you here, and somewhat broken devfs, so
> there's likely a bug there which should be looked into. If you just want to test
> the installer, you can make a netboot environment by doing:
> mkdir /path/to/nfs/export
> cd /path/to/nfs/export
> tar xvzf /cdrom/usr/freebsd-dist/*.txz
> cp /cdrom/etc/rc.local etc
> and then booting from there, which will be read-write. I'll try to find out what
> goes wrong when FreeBSD netboots from read-only media.

What happens is that /etc/rc.d/root fails because it cannot do 'mount -uw /'
Then further down in the boot process, /etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal fails because it 
cannot find /dev/iso9660/FreeBSD_Install

I worked around this by doing two things:

to /etc/rc.conf

and truncate /etc/fstab

Netbooting then continues into the installer.


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