CFP: (Duedate: June 20) ACM Conference on Multimedia Information
mir at
Fri Jun 13 17:29:37 UTC 2008
Call for Papers - ACM MIR2008
ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval
October 30-31, 2008, Vancouver, Canada
colocated with ACM Multimedia
Send questions/requests by email to mir at
- June 20, 2008: Submission of full paper
- July 14, 2008: Notification of acceptance
- July 20, 2008: Camera-ready full paper
- October 30-31, 2008: Conference
- Prof. Thomas S. Huang (Keynote), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Prof. Shih-Fu Chang (Frontiers and Future of MIR), Columbia University
and others
The ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval
is a premier scientific meeting for discussing the latest advances
in the area of multimedia retrieval. All papers in the main track
must be high quality original papers which address important issues
in multimedia exploration, summarization and retrieval including,
but not limited to:
- Exploration of media archives - browsing, experiential computing
- Interfaces for multimedia exploration, visualization, query and retrieval
- Indexing and search of multimedia data: images, video, audio, multi-modal systems
- Digital life experience analysis and retrieval - life logs, digital immortality, life bits
- Video surveillance browsing and retrieval, object detection and recognition, archiving
- Learning and relevance feedback in multimedia retrieval
- Applications - WWW searching, trademarks, scientific and medical media, etc.
- Brave New Topics Session - for pioneering new theories or applications in MIR.
(This is a special session/track. See the website for submission instructions)
Double-blind full papers should be submitted using the
paper submission web system at
(preferably 6-8 pages in the ACM Conference style in English).
All papers will be peer-reviewed.
General Chair: Michael Lew (Leiden University)
Program Co-Chairs: Alberto del Bimbo (University of Florence), Erwin Bakker (Leiden University)
Brave New Topics Chair: Mark Zhang (SUNY Binghamton)
Publicity Chair: Mark Huiskes (Leiden University)
Asian Liaison: Kiyo Aizawa (University of Tokyo)
Local Arrangements: Brooke Hardy (ACM), Charles Krasic (Univ. British Columbia)
SIG MM Chair: Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
SIG MM Director of Conferences: Nevenka Dimitrova (Philips Research)
ACM (with SIG Multimedia)
Getty Images
LIACS Media Lab, Leiden University
Microsoft Research
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
under FOCUS/BRICKS grant number 642.066.603
Philips Research
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