sudeors file not affecting user privileges

Tim Nelson tnelson at
Mon Apr 7 14:52:33 UTC 2008

The command you're using does not appear to have "sudo" in front of it...

Aijaz Baig wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like 'normal users' to be able to issue the shutdown command. For
> that reason I modified the 'sudoers' file and I uncommented the last line
> which now reads:* *
> *%users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now*
> However that didn't work. Then I thought
> maybe the users above refer to some user defined group called 'users. So I
> first created a group called 'users' and added 'masud' (one of my users) to
> that group. Still No luck..
> Then I read a bit about how does one actually add stuff to that file and
> added(appended) the following to the file:* masud ALL=/sbin/shutdown -h now*
> Well..nothing yet..I always log in as as 'masud' and try to see if shutdown
> works (by issuing *shutdown -h now* from his account) and I get
> */sbin/shutdown:
> Permission denied
> *
> Well..How do I go about it...
> Please do let me know.
> Hope to hear from you soon,
> Best Regards,
> Aijaz Baig.
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