sparc64/93226: DEBUG_LOCKS (really stack_save()) causes panics on sparc64

Marius Strobl marius at
Tue Feb 14 00:48:03 PST 2006

On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 09:37:19PM +0100, Antoine Brodin wrote:
> John Baldwin <jhb at> wrote:
> > On Monday 13 February 2006 13:36, Antoine Brodin wrote:
> > > John Baldwin <jhb at> wrote:
> > > > If there are kernel functions before the assembly ones (dependent on link
> > > > order) then this would wrongly bail when it hit those.  I think you need
> > > > to do what the ddb stack tracing code does which is to lookup the symbol
> > > > name and do a bcmp() on the first 4 chars to recognize trapframes.
> > >
> > > I ran objdump -d on a sparc64 kernel and it looks like tl0_* and tl1_*
> > > are always at the beginning of the code, there is some kind of magic.
> > 
> > magic aside, it would be best to use the same algorithm in both places IMO.  
> > It would also be a lot more intuitive to other folks later on.
> There are 2 reasons why I didn't use db_search_symbol() and
> db_symbol_values() :
> - first they aren't reentrant, they use a global variable
> db_last_symtab and they can panic if a thread sets db_last_symtab to 0
> while another one is using it. I found this in my mail archive :
> %%%
> Stopped at      X_db_symbol_values+0x18:        cmpl    $0,0xc(%eax)
> db> trace
> Tracing pid 34983 tid 100093 td 0xc2e9c640
> X_db_symbol_values(0,c0738214,e84859f4,e84859c4,7c) at X_db_symbol_values+0x18
> db_symbol_values(c0738214,e84859f4,0,c89d19c8,0) at db_symbol_values+0x40
> %%%
> It can be fixed easily but I don't have the fix anymore.
> You can use linker_ddb_search_symbol() and linker_ddb_symbol_values() 
> too that are safer.
> - the second reason is performance. if you replace 
> CTRSTACK(KTR_LOCK, &stack, 0, 1);
> by
> CTRSTACK(KTR_LOCK, &stack, 0, 0);
> in kern_lock.c, i.e. if you print the symbol name in the ktr traces, you
> will notice that your box is extremely slow. (you type ls, you wait 4 or 5
> seconds and you have the result)

Can't we just use what's done in support.S and add two dummy symbols
to mark the begin and end of the asm functions in question?


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