64 bit time?

Gallagher, James james.gallagher at misys.com
Wed Apr 27 22:19:15 PDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Garance A Drosihn [mailto:drosih at rpi.edu]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:32 PM
To: Chuck Robey; sparc64 at freebsd.org
Subject: Re: 64 bit time?

At 12:33 AM +0000 4/28/05, Chuck Robey wrote:
>>I just downladed and installed FreeBSD-space 5.3, then I read the 
>>UPDATING and got shocked by the info about time, which I hadn't been 
>>aware of.  Teh info on how to tell if you're running on 32 or 64 bit 
>>time in UPDATING relies on the sources, not the installed include 
>>files, so I don't honestly know if I'm running on a 32 bit or 64 bit 
>>time system.
>>Do I have to do a conversion, or is it in my past (as far as the
>>sparc64 is concerned)?

>If you did a clean-install of 5.3-release, then it is in your
>past.  But if you are running 5.2, and then you cvsup'ed your
>/usr/src tree to 5.3, then the switch would be in your future.
>You would be running a 5.2.1 system, and reading UPDATING to
>find out what tricks were needed to do a source-upgrade to 5.3.

>I admit this could have been worded a bit more clearly, but when
>that was written I was thinking only of people who were doing
>source upgrades.

Oh bugger comes to mind :) I didn't read that very well when I was setting
up 5.3 recently (from ISO, then did a cvsup), so I went for 32bit. Will have
to do a cleanup op at some point in the future. 


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