
Garance A Drosihn drosih at rpi.edu
Thu May 29 16:46:40 PDT 2003

At 10:34 PM -0400 5/28/03, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
>At 1:49 AM +0200 5/29/03, Thomas Moestl wrote:
>>I just got portupgrade to work on my box, however by changing
>>the dependency in the Makefile from ruby-bdb1 to ruby-bdb
>>(as already hinted in a comment) and dropping the attached
>>patch into files/ to make it use ruby-bdb instead of ruby-bdb1
>>by default.
>I followed the suggestions from Thomas, and it seems to be
>going OK for me.  There were a few oddities in building things
>though, which I should figure out.  Initially I somehow managed
>to build portupgrade without building ruby-bdb.  It was even
>working fine, until I did tried 'portversion' and that complained
>about a stale-dependency (the missing ruby-bdb).

Okay, I'm not sure what happened to me yesterday, but I started
over from scratch again, and it seems to be working OK.  I made
the makefile change that Thomas suggested, and added his patch.

I then ran into trouble because the makefiles for ruby and
ruby-devel want to rummage through PKG_DBDIR for out-of-date
ports.  This does not work well if ruby is the first port you
make after removing /var/db/pkg (which is what I did).  The
following update fixes that for lang/ruby-devel, and a similar
patch would be good for lang/ruby:

--- Makefile.orig	Wed May 28 19:06:58 2003
+++ Makefile	Thu May 29 19:18:32 2003
@@ -166,6 +166,8 @@
  	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ext/zlib/doc/zlib.rd ${RUBY_DOCDIR}
  	${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/doc/* ${RUBY_DOCDIR}/
+# Have to make sure PKG_DBDIR exists before we `cd' into it.
+	@if ! test -d ${PKG_DBDIR} ; then mkdir ${PKG_DBDIR} ; fi
  	@${ECHO} "Deinstalling obsoleted packages that are now part of ruby..."
  	@cd ${PKG_DBDIR}; for portname in ${OBSOLETED_MODULES}; do \
  		for pkg in ${RUBY_PKGNAMEPREFIX}$$portname-*; do \

I must admit that I am uneasy that ruby-devel installs itself as
the package "ruby".  This can be confusing, because you can
actually install both ruby and ruby-devel on sparc64.  The ports
for sysutils/portupgrade and lang/ruby-devel do seem to do the
right things, it just looks a bit confusing.  Also, if you then
go to pkg_deinstall ruby, it thinks you want to deinstall both
versions of ruby.

I also noticed that when ruby-devel is built, it prints out the
       To build a ruby related port for Ruby 1.8, define
       RUBY_VER=1.8 on the make command line or in
       /etc/make.conf.  If you want to use Ruby 1.8 as
       the default instead of 1.6, define
       RUBY_DEFAULT_VER=1.8 also.

I am inclined to put those lines in my /etc/make.conf, just in
case other ruby-related ports might be confused by this special
setup for sparc64.

However, with all that done, portupgrade, portversion and related
commands seem to be working OK for me.  I will continue testing
things, but for now it seems to me that Thomas's patches for
portupgrade will solve the problems on sparc64.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at gilead.netel.rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at rpi.edu

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