I wanna help test ...

PaceMakerTaker pacemakertaker at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 19 16:36:38 PDT 2003

OK, I go to ftp.freebsd.org and in the sparc64
directory I see the iso for disk2 and miniroot.  Is
there enough to install or do I need the 5.0-R stuff
also?  Do I have to do an upgrade or can I do a clean
install with 5.1-R


--- John-Mark Gurney <gurney_j at efn.org> wrote:
> PaceMakerTaker wrote this message on Thu, Jun 19,
> 2003 at 12:55 -0700:
> > So I've got this 270MHz Ultra 5 here with 128 and
> 8GB
> > as well as a 500MHz Blade 100 with 512 and 40GB. 
> I'd
> > love to get involved in the project now that I
> have
> > time!
> > 
> > For starters, I guess I'd do some testing work
> since I
> > haven't been into the FreeBSD kernel yet (Although
> > I've been into the Linux kernel and the SunOS
> kernel).
> >  I've been doing C/C++ coding for years.
> > 
> > If someone wants to point me off in the direction
> of
> > the notes and installation files, I'll jump right
> now.
> The cd is bootable, and simple to do.  Works fine
> over serial console,
> that's how I got my box up and running.
> >  I'm sure that there is a list of stuff that needs
> to
> > be tested and/or fixed, where can I find that at?
> Well, once you get 5.1-R installed, tracking current
> is good.  You
> might still be able to get away with using 5.1-R but
> not for much
> longer since we're already starting to diverge.
> Take a look at:
> for more information about it.  -current is what you
> want to follow
> if you want to do some testing.
> > I'm anxious to help and a little bored here; so
> > anything I can do, let me know!
> Well, test the applications.  Already there have
> been a few minor bugs
> in apps that were pretty easy to fix.
> As for other things, take a look at the archives of
> -sparc64 for the
> last week or two.  Thomas Moestl has a patch that
> uses OFW to enumerate
> the PCI bus instead of probing it.  I also have a
> patch to make
> Multi-Function devices probe.  (Both patches address
> similar issues,
> but are also complementary.)
> Stay tuned to the list!
> -- 
>   John-Mark Gurney				Voice: +1 415 225 5579
>      "All that I will do, has been done, All that I
> have, has not."


Brian D. McGrew { brian at doubledimension.com || pacemakertaker at yahoo.com }
> RAM DISK!  Is not an installation method!

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