FreeBSD 6.3 fxp0 MBUF and PAE

Pyun YongHyeon pyunyh at
Thu Mar 13 01:55:04 UTC 2008

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 04:53:18PM -0300, Daniel Dias Gon?alves wrote:
 > Hi,
 > When using the interface fxp0 with PAE enable in kernel, occurs the 
 > following error:
 > fxp0: can't map mbuf (error 12)
 > ...
 > it repeats, repeats and lost communication.

error 12 means ENOMEM. bus_dmamap_load_mbuf_sg(9) failed due to
insuffcient resources. I guess there is no way to overcome this
situation in driver. The only remaining way I can think of would be
reclaiming of transmitted frames but how well it works would depends
on circumstances. Personally I don't see a reason to print these
ENOMEM errors for production box without late limiting.

 > Information:
 > 6.3-RELEASE
 > fxp0 at pci14:4:0: class=0x020000 card=0x00708086 chip=0x12298086 rev=0x10 
 > hdr=0x00
 >    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
 >    device     = '82550/1/7/8/9 EtherExpress PRO/100(B) Ethernet Adapter'
 >    class      = network
 >    subclass   = ethernet
 > I wait reply.
 > Thanks.
 > Daniel
Pyun YongHyeon

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