FreeBSD-6.2, SMP, coredump -- fatal trap 12 : page fault while in kernel mode, current process: (swi1:net)

Yong Rao yrao at
Thu Jun 14 06:21:15 UTC 2007

Hi Kris,

Thanks for your reply.

I have 2 exactly the same equipments. The ONLY difference is the OS. One
is running 6.0 FBSD. The other one is 6.2 FBSD. 

I built the kernels using the same configuration file (with SMP option).
My problem is that the OS 6.2 does not dump core when crash happens,
while the OS 6.0 does core dump perfectly. Why it is like this?
Something wrong with FBSD 6.2 OS when SMP options is enabled?


-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Kennaway [mailto:kris at] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 7:44 PM
To: Yong Rao
Cc: freebsd-smp at; Jagjit Choudhary
Subject: Re: FreeBSD-6.2, SMP, coredump -- fatal trap 12 : page fault
while in kernel mode, current process: (swi1:net)

On Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 07:26:51PM -0700, Yong Rao wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently, in developing our driver, we found the core dump did not
> on the FBSD OS 6.2. It hung at the beginning of core dump when crash
> happened. 

This can happen when the panic involves the storage subsystem, or if
something else is performing I/O (i.e. holding a relevant lock) at the
time of panic.  Online debugging using ddb helps a lot.


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