VMware inquiry

Ken Brandt kbrandt at vmware.com
Thu Sep 28 16:00:59 PDT 2006

Hi Luke and other free bsd members,

Sorry, this was inadvertently sent to your mailing list, which is something I
AVOID doing at all costs. It was intended for a specific individual I was
recommended to. Basically, the recruiting equivalent of a coding error--both
of which are correctable human mistakes not generally equated to scumminess.

As for virtualization technologies, I don't create it. I just seek out the
best people for that purpose. I suspect you're one of them!

If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me directly.

Best Regards,



-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Crawford [mailto:lsc at prgmr.com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:38 PM
To: Ken Brandt; abuse at vmware.com; postmaster at vmware.com
Subject: Re: VMware inquiry

Hey, I dono if you have a virus or you are being joe-jobbed or what, but this
makes you look really scummy-  something you probably don't want to look like
on the FreeBSD-smp mailing list;  many of us are in the posittion to
reccomend virtualization technologies to our bosses;

On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Ken Brandt wrote:

> Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 14:44:04 -0700
> From: Ken Brandt <kbrandt at vmware.com>
> To: freebsd-smp at freebsd.org
> Subject: VMware inquiry
> Hi Venkatesh,
> I found your name doing research for VMware, an EMC company.  Most 
> likely, you're already familiar with VMware as we're the fastest 
> growing software company in the world, and the global leader in 
> virtual infrastructure software (software that allows you to run 
> multiple operating systems at the same time) for industry-standard systems.
> We're headquartered in Palo Alto, and building a new campus to 
> accommodate the continuous growth from the past 4 years and for the 
> years to come.  In the last 2 years we've doubled the size of the 
> company twice and tripled our revenues.  We pretty much own the 
> virtualization market with a 90% market share.
> We pay competitive salaries, have scheduled performance reviews and 
> double digit engineering bonuses have been paid out at full or above 
> for the last 3 years in a row.
> Beyond size, growth and even money, we attract the most talented 
> Software Engineers, due to our incredible technology.  If you're one 
> who aspires to nothing less than the best in your own career 
> challenges and development, then please read on.
> About VMware     www.vmware.com <http://www.vmware.com/>
> VMware was founded in 1998 to bring mainframe-class virtual machine 
> technology to industry-standard computers, and delivered its first 
> product, VMware Workstation <http://www.vmware.com/products/ws/> , in 
> 1999. We entered the server market in 2001 with VMware GSX Server 
> <http://www.vmware.com/products/gsx/>  and VMware ESX Server 
> <http://www.vmware.com/products/esx/> . With the launch of VMware 
> VirtualCenter <http://www.vmware.com/products/vc/>  in 2003, and the 
> groundbreaking VMotion technology 
> <http://www.vmware.com/products/vc/vmotion.html> , the company 
> established itself as the thought leader in the newly emerging virtual 
> infrastructure marketplace.
> Virtual Infrastructure <http://www.vmware.com/vinfrastructure/>  
> introduces a new category of capabilities to the data center enabling 
> businesses to reduce their IT costs through increased efficiency,
flexibility and responsiveness.
> In 2004, the company extended the capabilities of virtual 
> infrastructure to the enterprise desktop with the introduction of 
> VMware ACE <http://www.vmware.com/products/ace/> .  The world's 
> largest companies use VMware solutions 
> <http://www.vmware.com/solutions/>  to simplify their IT, fully 
> leverage their existing computing investments and respond faster to
changing business demands.
> Michael, I'd like to arrange a discussion about our opportunities and 
> your background.  This typically takes about 15 minutes and gives you 
> a chance to ask about the company and the technology/products and a 
> chance to talk about your interests moving forward.
> We can usually do this anytime during the day or early evening, 
> depending on your schedule.  Can you suggest time and a telephone number,
so we could talk
> sometime in the next few days?   Or, just feel free to contact me at your
> convenience.
> Regards,
> Ken
> Ken Brandt C.P.C.
> Corporate Recruiter
> Research and Development
> VMware, an EMC Company
> 3145 Porter Drive
> Palo Alto, CA  94304
> 650-475-5000 x871
> 877-486-9273 Toll Free
> kbrandt at vmware.com
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