SMP Help

Maxim Vetsalo mvetsalo at
Sat Jun 25 21:48:02 GMT 2005


On Sat, 25 Jun 2005 16:46:05 -0500
Darren Terry <dvterry at> wrote:

> Hola,
>    I am new to this list and to FreeBSD so i would just like to say hi 
> to everyone than thanks for all your help in advance.
>     Okay. On to the problem. I have just recently started moving my 
> server over from Slackware to FreeBSD. All has gone well so far with the 
> install and configuration of the services that i will be running. 
> Although, I am having a bit of trouble getting my second processor 
> running. I have tried to compile a new kernel with SMP support, however, 
> i have been quite unsuccessful in doing this. 

Please tell more about you hardware, FreeBSD version and give dmesg(8) output.
What truble do you have? Kernel didn't compile or didn't boot or something else? 

> I have read the chapter on 
> compiling and configuring a new kernel in the handbook, still to no 
> avail. If any of you could please help me with this i would grealy 
> appreciate it.
> My config:

Cheers, Maxim.

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