Benchmarking 6.0

Singh, Vijay Vijay.Singh at
Thu Jun 2 17:16:07 PDT 2005

Hello, I am trying to run network benchmarking using netperf. I have a
snapshot of "systat -vmstat 1". Is it OK to see those large number of
interrupts (~ 1998) for the lapics?

    1 users    Load  1.62  0.96  0.52                  Jun  2 17:13

Mem:KB    REAL            VIRTUAL                     VN PAGER  SWAP
        Tot   Share      Tot    Share    Free         in  out     in
Act   14096    2760    44296     2760  802184 count
All  217936    5592  5941072     5780         pages
Proc:r  p  d  s  w    Csw  Trp  Sys  Int  Sof  Flt        cow   22014
     1       27     40374 80521894792750  376      102916 wire        1:
                                                    17368 act         6:
23.3%Sys  46.9%Intr  1.1%User  0.0%Nice 28.7%Idl    98232 inact
13: npx
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |        792 cache
14: ata
============+++++++++++++++++++++++>               801392 free
15: ata
                                                          daefr  6083
18: em0
Namei         Name-cache    Dir-cache                     prcfr  6938
19: em1
    Calls     hits    %     hits    %                     react
20: em2
                                                          pdwak     5
30: fxp
                                          zfod            pdpgs  1998
lapic0: ti
Disks   ad0                               ofod            intrn   998 0:
KB/t   0.00                               %slo-z   108400 buf    1998
lapic1: ti
tps       0                               tfree         5 dirty  1997
lapic3: ti
MB/s   0.00                                         69985 desir
1997elapic2: ti
% busy    0                                         17496 numvnodes
                                                     1677 freevnodes

Vijay Singh

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