SMP disables USB mass storage in Freebsd 4.9 RELEASE

Peter Blok pblok at
Fri May 21 07:07:39 PDT 2004

Generally. Only one system has a VIA chipset.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Kirkwood [mailto:markir at] 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:40 PM
To: Peter Blok
Cc: 'John Baldwin'; freebsd-smp at
Subject: Re: SMP disables USB mass storage in Freebsd 4.9 RELEASE

Is your troublesome SMP hardware all VIA chipset based - or are you 
seeing it generally?

Peter Blok wrote:

>It is not only your hardware combination that is having this problem. It is
>SMP in general. All of my 4.x SMP systems have this problem. I'll build one
>for debugging purposes, but it can take a while.

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