Problem installing FreeBSD 4.8 release or 5.1 current in M754LMR Motherboard.

Guillermo Fuentes gfuentes72 at
Wed Oct 1 22:08:55 PDT 2003

Hello there,

This is the fisrt time I'm trying to install FreeBSD. I really like the
project and I decided to study it and learn from it.
I have not been able to install it in my PC:
Motherboard: M754LMR ( it include
onboard "Highest Performance, 128-bit 3D AGP Graphics Accelerator with
32MB(MAX.) frame buffer embedded in North bridge, up to 1920x1200 16M
resolution; AGP Rev. 2.0 Spec. Compliant",
Video  adapter (onboard):  NVIDIDA Aladdin TNT2
Devices (onboard):
 ALi M1533 PCI to ISA bridge
 ALi M1621 CPU to PCI bridge
 ALi M1621 PCI to AGP bridge

Processor: Celeron 600MHz
Memory: 192MB RAM (-16MB taken to video adapter NVIDIDA Aladdin TNT2 )
Hard Drive: 4GB

The problem I'm having is that when the kernel start loading it give me the
following error.

pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
agp0: <Ali Generic host to PCI bridge> mem 0xd8000000-0xdbffffff at device
0.0 on pci0
panic: contigmalloc1: size must not be 0
Uptime: 0s
Automatic reboot in 15 seconds

I have search for a posible solution but I have not found anything helpfull.
I flash the EPROM of the motherboard with the last version
( and it din't work.

I'm getting the same error for FreeBSD 4.8 release or 5.1 current.

Can someone tell me if this motherboard and configuration is not supported
by FreeBSD?
What can I do to get my FreeBSD running?

Thank you in advance,


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