John Baldwin jhb at FreeBSD.org
Wed Jul 30 12:34:23 PDT 2003

On 29-Jul-2003 Terry Lambert wrote:
> freebsd_deamon at gmx.net wrote:
>> dear list,
>> buying two PIII for a dual system ... what do i have to pay attention to
>> (besides the requirements of the M/B)?
>> aka ... are all PIII SMP capable?
> You want the stepping to be the same.
> You may not be happy with P III's.  I'm not sure if the SMP code
> has been changed to handle only the xAPIC now, or not; there was
> a discussion a little while back about supporting more than 16
> CPUs in a machine, which would require this change.

Adding support for xAPICs isn't going to break P3 machines.  Less
FUD please.  One of my test machines is a dual ppro 200 and although
I haven't booted it in a while it ran current just fine the last
time I tried.


John Baldwin <jhb at FreeBSD.org>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -  http://www.FreeBSD.org/

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