Boot from USB stick?

Cesar Mello cmello at
Wed Jan 19 05:39:42 PST 2005

Hi Ben,

That's an interesting idea, but as a suggestion you can also boot from
a CompactFlash drive, that can be connected to an IDE bus through a
small adapter.

I don't know about FreeBSD booting from USB, I'm curious too. Let's
wait for a reply.

Best regards,

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:52:33 +0100, Ben Stuyts <ben at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anybody succeeded in booting FreeBSD from a USB memory stick? I'd
> like to use one of those on a Via mini-itx board to have a completely
> solid-state data-acquisisition system.
> I've been searching these lists and google but found nothing helpful
> yet.
> With kind regards,
> Ben
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