Cryptographic signatures of installer sets

Nathan Dorfman ndorf at
Sun Jan 26 07:37:04 UTC 2020

Hello all,

I really hope I'm missing something here, and we can all have a nice
chuckle at my expense.

But I can't see any way the integrity of the installer sets (base.txz,
kernel.txz and friends) can be verified cryptographically? There is a
MANIFEST file containing SHA256 checksums, but it itself does not appear
to be signed in any way.

The installer images do come with PGP-signed checksums. So, when using
an image that already contains all the sets, one can be sure they are
authentic. What happens when one uses a network-only installer, though?
How can it authenticate the sets it downloads from the user's chosen

A cursory glance at src/usr.sbin/bsdinstall suggests that it does not,
in fact, do that. Checksums are compared against the MANIFEST (in
scripts/checksum), but that is itself simply downloaded from the same
mirror (in scripts/jail), usually over plain FTP, without any


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