POC and patch for the CVE-2018-15473

Gareth de Vaux security at lordcow.org
Mon May 13 17:03:47 UTC 2019

On Mon 2019-05-13 (10:32), Brett Glass wrote:
> On my FreeBSD 11-STABLE boxes, the "distinfo" file for the 
> "openssh-portable" port shows the version as "openssh-7.9p1". So, 
> this is not 7.8 (which was tested with 12.0, at least, if not 11.x) 
> and also has not been specifically tailored for FreeBSD. Am I 
> likely to see any issues with the use of existing configuration 
> files, performance, or features? Just asking, as a precaution, to 
> ensure that I do not find myself with an unreachable machine if I 
> install on a remote server.

I'm currently using it on 11-STABLE and prefer it for security reasons
but that's a longer discussion. Average configurations shouldn't be
affected but you can install and configure it on a different port
(/usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config as opposed to /etc/ssh/sshd_config)
and start it without killing the existing sshd so you won't get
locked out.


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