CVE-2019-5599 SACK Slowness (FreeBSD 12 using the RACK TCP Stack)

Shawn Webb shawn.webb at
Wed Jun 19 00:06:59 UTC 2019

On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 04:55:35PM -0700, Gordon Tetlow wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 05:34:32PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> >
> >
> > NFLX-2019-001
> > 
> > Date Entry Created: 20190107
> > Preallocated to nothing?
> > Or witheld under irresponsible disclosure thus keeping
> > users vulnerable to leaks, parallel discovery, and exploit
> > for at least five months more than necessary, and
> > unaware thus unable to consider potential local mitigations?
> Other than the inappropriate tone, there is a reasonable question here.
> MITRE allocates blocks of CVEs to FreeBSD as a CNA. We can then decide
> when to assign and disclose them. The 2019-01-07 date is when MITRE
> allocated a block of CVEs to FreeBSD, not when they are assigned to an
> issue. We generally get a block in the beginning of each year.
> If you would like to have an actual discussion around disclosure
> policies, I'm happy to have one, but by your tone above, I don't think
> there is any reason to do so. It seems unlikely you are open to
> debate in a fashion that would be productive.

Hey Gordon,

Thank you for your reply, and especially for the respectful tone. I
hope to drive a further positive discussion in the goal of enhanced

It appears that Netflix's advisory (as of this writing) does not
include a timeline of events. Would FreeBSD be able to provide its
event timeline with regards to CVE-2019-5599?

Were any FreeBSD derivatives given advanced notice? If so, which ones?

Thanks for your time, resources, and continued correspondence.

Thanks again,

Shawn Webb
Cofounder / Security Engineer

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