FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-18:03.speculative_execution

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Mon Mar 19 10:29:10 UTC 2018

On 03/18/18 18:54, Jan Demter wrote:

>> Of course I find this enabled on the Intel box and not on the AMD one, 
>> but... is PTI in any way affected by a microcode update from Intel?
>  From what I have read so far, I'm pretty certain it isn't planned or 
> even possible to patch this via a microcode update.

Ok, I'm wrong then: I understood Spectre was unfixable, while Intel had 
provided (or was going to provide) a microcode update to patch (not 
mitigate) MeltDown.

Of course PTI might be a good idea in any case.

> For Intel CPUs, there's this list:

Thanks. Altough I was looking for AMD mostly :)

> The microcode update itself will work, if that is what you meant, but 
> just updating the microcode and not FreeBSD is useless to mitigate 
> Spectre V2.

Again, my fault: the "Please update your system in order to update CPU 
microcode." message led me to a wrong conclusion.

  bye & Thanks

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