- SSL Issue?

Slawa Olhovchenkov slw at
Mon May 18 08:21:31 UTC 2015

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 09:43:24AM +0200, patpro at wrote:

> On 18 mai 2015, at 09:05, Ian Smith <smithi at> wrote:
> >> 
> >> Actually, that might be the reason -- Google search results. Perhaps
> >> Google is also logging what protocols/ciphers your HTTPS has and is
> >> using that in search rankings.
> > 
> > You're seriously suggesting that the FreeBSD project should set security 
> > policies to favour higher rankings from an advertising company?
> There's a bigger picture. Google is promoting strong security. Using web sites HTTPS details (proto, ciphers, certificate trustworthiness...) as ranking parameter is an incentive for admin to switch to better protocol and stronger cipher suits (& more expensive certificates).
> Their next step, currently ongoing in fact, is to limit or even remove browser confidence in older protocol/ciphers, so that users would be deterred from visiting those web sites. Domain Validated certificates are probably a target to be shot dead in few years too.
> As an admin I find it to be a pain in the *** to constantly have to deal with latest Google "vision", but as a user I think they are right because that's the way to go for promoting strong crypto.

As user I am don't need crypto, strong or weak.

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