- SSL Issue?

Dan Lukes dan at
Sun May 17 23:06:22 UTC 2015

On 05/18/15 00:00, Mark Felder:
>> If TLS 1.0 is considered severe security issue AND system utilities are
>> using it, why there is no Security Advisory describing this system
>> vulnerability ?
> It's not a vulnerability in software, it's weakness in the protocol
> design.

Like protocol protocol downgrade triggered by MITM attack flaw or 
protocol design flaw in session renegotiation support. The first one 
addressed in FreeBSD-SA-14:23.openssl, the second one in 

So the "is it protocol flaw or implementation bug" seems not to be true 
major criteria.

OK, I wish I got best answer to my question possible. I'm not going to 
discuss SA issuing policy in this thread.

Thank you.


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