deprecating old ciphers from OpenCrypto...

John-Mark Gurney jmg at
Sun Sep 7 23:49:50 UTC 2014

Paul Hoffman wrote this message on Sun, Sep 07, 2014 at 07:00 -0700:
> On Sep 5, 2014, at 3:25 PM, John-Mark Gurney <jmg at> wrote:
> > Skipjack: already removed by OpenBSD and recommend not for use by NIST
> > 	after 2010, key size is 80 bits
> Yes, nuke.
> > CAST: key size is 40 to 128 bits
> CAST 128 is not weak. Having said that, it is also not used much, and has minor (if any) value over AES-128. I can't tell from your message if you are leaving CAST >128 in; if so, you should leave CAST 128 in as well. If CAST 128 is the max in the module, you can either remove all of CAST or leave CAST 128 in, it doesn't matter.

True about the CAST 128 not being weak...  Our implementation maxes
out at 128bits, so I can't see a good reason to leave just 128bit CAST
in, so, I plan to remove CAST entirely...

Ahh, I just read a bit more on CAST, our implementation is CAST-128
which has a 64 bit block size, if we want to support CAST >128bit, we'd
need to implement CAST-256 which is a different algorithm, as it uses a
block size of 128bits...

Also, the other thing I forgot to include is that it'll be around three
years before the first release of FreeBSD that will be w/o these
algorithms, which is the reason why I'm planning now...

  John-Mark Gurney				Voice: +1 415 225 5579

     "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."

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