Capsicum and sendto(2)

KAMADA Ken'ichi kamada at
Wed Jan 22 11:47:15 UTC 2014

At Tue, 21 Jan 2014 12:21:50 -0600, Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 10:45:11PM +0900, KAMADA Ken'ichi wrote:
> > 
> > What is the intended behavior of sendto() with non-NULL destination
> > when the capability mode is enabled?
> > 
> > If the capability mode is *not* enabled, it is checked against
> > CAP_CONNECT in kern_sendit() @ uipc_syscall.c.
> > This matches the explanation in the rights(4) manual page.
> > 
> > However, if the capability mode is enabled, it is always
> > rejected in sendit().  Is this intended?
> Yes, this is intended.  In capabilty mode all access to namespaces is 
> restricted including the IP address namespace.  You must either connect
> your sockets before entereing capabilty mode or use casper to provide
> connected sockets.

The capability mode forbids access to the global name space.

What I was trying to do was applying Capsicum to a packet translator,
which inherently needs to send packets to many addresses.
Maybe I need something analogous to opening a subdirectory in
a filesystem name space, say, a new API to "open" an subnet
before entering capability mode...


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