NTP security hole CVE-2013-5211?

Cristiano Deana cristiano.deana at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 10:08:49 UTC 2014

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 6:18 AM, Xin Li <delphij at delphij.net> wrote:


We will have an advisory next week.  If a NTP server is properly
> configured, it's likely that they are not affected

I had this problem in november, and ask to -current to integrate the new
versione of ntpd in base (see my mail "[request] ntp upgrade" 11/27/13
I tried several workaround with config and policy, and ended up you MUST
have 4.2.7 to stop these kind of attacks.

I think it's better to upgrade the version in base AND to write a security

Thank you

Cris, member of G.U.F.I
Italian FreeBSD User Group

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