FreeBSD Transient Memory problem?

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Fri Sep 13 05:18:52 UTC 2013

Hello, Julian.
You wrote 12 сентября 2013 г., 18:49:05:

JE> Pretty much all they've proved to me is that they have no idea of what
JE> they are talking about.
JE> You need to ask them for a better description of the problem as so far 
JE> all you've
JE> seen is about a hundred computer science professionals rolling around 
JE> on the floor
JE> laughing when you showed them the paragraph from the report..

JE> and you can quote me on that one.
  In my expirience, "Security audit" people, who could, for example, do
 PCI/DSS audit, are like this. So, yet, it is their level of competence, but
 you could not pass around them, if you want official PCI/DSS certification,
 for example. Did you seen this epic thread on stackoverflow (or its
 devops/sysops counterpart) about "log file with every login of each user
with password in clear text,'' for example?

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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